Pond Plants, Frogs, and Turtles

Here are a few shots of the pond from this morning (8/4/05). My Water Lettuce has gone completely berserk! It has now overtaken almost %90 of my pond! Anyone interested in trading a pond plant you are in abundance of for some of my water lettuce, please let me know. Will trade my floaters for extra lillies, bog plants or other floaters. I saw bunches of 30 going for $25 on ebay or 10 for $10..see link
Anyway It seems my Water Lettuce is creating new shoots each and every day, sometimes they feel like they multiple overnight! Turtle and Frogs seem to be happy as they can jump climp and hide all over the pond! Also seems my water is absolutely crystal clear.....water lettuce roots do such a good job at filtering......Thanks and check back soon for more photos--going to do some repairs the next few days thanks to the great people at amazing aquascape-check out the post on the message board. Any and all comments always welcome
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